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Dental College and Hospital, Pune
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The entire world is facing an unprecedented pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 virus. The global pandemic has affected almost all the countries of the world and is spreading across all the continents rapidly. India is also one of the country affected and had gone into a nationwide lockdown from last week of March 2020. Now, some Institutes are slowly opening albeit with all the precautions that have to be taken in view of the pandemic. There are guidelines which are issued by various Government agencies aimed to reduce the spread of infection.

We at Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Dental College and Hospital, Pune are strictly following these guidelines and have incorporated activities to ensure that these guidelines are followed to the fullest and also ensuring the safety of all the stakeholders in the Institute viz the students, the staff and the patients. Some of the actions taken are as follows:

  1. Each individual (student, faculty and staff) entering the Institute are scanned for temperature using the contactless thermometer and provided with sanitizer to sanitize their hands. This is done at the entrance of the Institute itself. Wearing of mask is mandatory for all entering the Institute.
  2. All the individuals have to provide information in a self declaration form.
  3. All the patients are screened properly using a set of questionnaire before they are taken up for diagnosis and treatment. Consent forms specifically created for Covid 19 are been used for all patients.
  4. Pulse oximeter is used for screening of susceptible patients. Crowding of the patients in the waiting rooms is avoided and seating arrangement has been modified to ensure this.
  5. Visual alerts have been displayed for patient information and education. All the patients are also educated on universal protocol of social distancing, use of mask, hand hygiene and cough etiquettes.
  6. Orientation programmes are being conducted for all the Staff and students and the guidelines to be followed are explained to them in line with University and the Government guidelines including use of masks, importance of social distancing, hand hygiene measures and respiratory etiquettes.
  7. All the Departments have been provided with liquid soap, sanitizer and sodium hypochlorite solutions for maintaining the hygiene and cleanliness in the respective departments. Also, there has been regular spraying of all areas with disinfectant solutions on a regular basis.
  8. All the stake holders are encouraged to follow all the guidelines regularly. All the staff and students are provided with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) before rendering dental procedures for the patients.

Invitation for Proposals : Independent Director's Databank

Dear Sir/Madam,

Greetings from the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs (IICA), a think tank of Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) – Government of India (GoI).

We all are aware that MCA is committed to bring continuous improvement in ease of doing business, ensuring market integrity and expanding corporate governance landscape to increase overall confidence of Investors. Corporate Governance through strong frameworks can help in achieving all these objectives.

Independent Directors (IDs) are considered as the 'Agents of change' for bringing value to the board with their diverse and cross-functional professional skills. To strengthen and empower the Independent Directors further, MCA has entrusted IICA to institute a databank for Independent Directors. The databank can be accessed at http://www.independentdirectorsdatabank.in

The main objective of databank is to create a pool of existing and aspiring Independent directors for their professional development. It aims to empower and build capabilities of empanelled IDs by helping them in acquiring expertise, knowledge and skills through E-learning courses, regular newsletters, research and publications, Video bytes, research reports and a number of contemporary learning initiatives.

The practice of the profession of independent directorship requires a sound understanding of frameworks and practical skills to cope up with challenges the boards face. Also the practice of Independent directorship as a profession requires developing multi-dimensional and interdisciplinary skills.

To address this, IICA has instituted a research scheme for providing research grants to academicians and industry professionals / practitioners. The purpose is to engage with the research based inquiry into various contemporary topics/areas relevant for the functioning of IDs and the boards.

Proposals are invited from academicians and professionals on a rolling basis for consideration. In first round the proposals received upto 31st July, 2020 would be considered. The brochure containing the details of the scheme and the submission guidelines are attached for reference.

With Best Regards

Dr Niraj Gupta
Head, School of Corporate Governance and Public Policy &
Nodal Officer, Centre for Independent Directors
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