40th Indian Society of Pedodontics and Prevention dentistry conference
Department of Pedodontics staff members and students attended 40th Indian Society of Pedodontics and Prevention dentistry conference at Nagpur 24-26th Oct 18.
Were 6 student paper presentations, 2 table clinics ad 2 staff paper presentation were done.
Following received Best paper award :
- Comparative Evaluation of Antimicrobial Properties Of Aqueous And Alcoholic Extracts Of Terminalia Chebula with Chlorhexidine Against Streptococcus Mutans And Enterococcus Faecalis - An In Vitro Study. Best paper award to Dr Dinah Rachel.
- Rucoscopy and cheiloscopy -the two collaborative arm of forensic dentistry. Best paper award by Dr Laxmi Lakade.
- Dr Soniya Raheija -guided by Dr Rahul Lodaya.