The Department deals with the Outpatients and guides them to the respective departments for the treatments. The main strength or the functioning is basically ,oral & maxillofacial evaluation of individual/ patients of various age groups that is pediatric and geriatric patients with oral conditions and also oral manifestations of systemic diseases ,inflammatory lesions like swellings, ulcers, growths, precancerous lesions and precancerous conditions, oral malignances, neurological pains, jaw fractures, developmental anomalies etc and non surgical management of oral precancerous lesions and precancerous conditions , TMJ disorders and salivary gland disorders etc. The Department also attends to making radiographs of various kinds. The Department, in its quest for upgrading itself in tune with development in world of digital imaging has procured a state of the art Digital Panoramic and Cephalometric imaging System along with Digital film printer. To tide over frequent power interruptions, the entire system has got a dedicated online UPS system.
With the introduction of advanced radiographic techniques and the incorporation of computers in the day to day functioning, use of projection slides; computerized images etc have rendered immense help in diagnosis and management of patients with accuracy. The Department now boasts of three radiograph machines along with an OPG machine with a cephalometry attachment, General body Radiography unit, Digital Radiography System, CR System etc. The follow up of cases is done routinely by the department with constant motivation and education which helps in maintenance of records as it is an important factor for any institution, and further helps for epidemiological studies.
Tobacco Intervention Initiative center has been established which is working to increase awareness of hazardous effects of tobacco consumption, also counseling patients to leave this habit.
The Department is constantly striving to improve to the benefit of stakeholders. The future ambitions of the department include, starting a diagnostic center for oral cancer.