The Department of Periodontology has spacious undergraduate section, and postgraduate section. This makes us possible to work more efficiently and also treat more number of patients at one time. The goal of the Department is, to pass on knowledge and skills beyond examination system which will result in imparting education to the masses and bringing the social change, to help humanity wherein the downtrodden, people of low socio-economic status and the under privileged are considered. The department has well qualified experienced and dedicated faculty members with vast knowledge of the subject.
The department is fully equipped with latest surgical equipment as well as diagnostic facilities which help in rendering accurate diagnosis and the subsequent correct treatment to the patients. The department is well equipped with dental chairs and modern dental equipment like ultrasonic scalers, electrocautery, light cure units, iontophoresis unit also bone grafting materials and GTR, laser, piezosurgical unit, microsurgical loups, implant unit, RVG, etc.
The basic treatment modalities included in the department are oral prophylaxis, root planning, curettage, periodontal flaps surgeries. Advanced surgical procedures like, perioesthetics, mucogingival surgeries, frenectomy, papilla preservation techniques, regenerative periodontal procedures, GTR, dental implants , sinus lift are carried out at free of cost. A separate surgical operatory with all modern facilities is available in the post graduate section so as to fulfill the needs of the patients being attended