The department deals with the child dental Patients and concomitantly preventive dentistry. It also incorporates the management of difficult children, the physically and mentally challenged ones in addition to the medically compromised child.
The Department has adequate space for Post-graduate and Undergraduate Clinics. In addition it also has separate isolation room, conscious sedation room, sterilization room and spacious Toy room. The department hosts advanced equipments comprising of RVG (Radiovisio graphy), conscious sedation unit and intra oral camera.
The department thrives on an excellent work force in collaboration with Public Health department. Pedodontics department constantly engages in conduction of school dental awareness programs in the form of dental checkups, lectures etc and here it is emphatical to say that the department is associated with Young India and Rotary club for conduction of camps and treatment of children from various schools and orphanages by providing to and fro-transport for the same. The department has conducted one day dental check up- treatment camp for the blind children in the department.
Recently, this department has started a Pediatrics dental unit at Department of Pediatrics, Bharati Hospital, Pune to cater the dental treatment needs of children reporting to hospital O.P.D. Thus pediatric patients have been benefited with umbrella care i.e. all treatment facilities under one roof.