The Department of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery forms an important component of the Dental Hospital as the procedures carried out in this department include extraction of teeth, minor surgeries, biopsies, and advanced surgeries including orthognathic surgeries, management of cyst and tumors, oral malignancy and dental implants. The department also has a commitment to treat facial fractures and has dedicated faculty for management of cleft lip and cleft palate.
The department has also procured new equipments to run these various units efficiently & effectively hence allowing us to provide prompt service to a larger number of patients in a shorter span of time. Procedures falling under the category of minor oral surgery are conducted routinely in the new minor oral surgery section.
Additional staff members and auxiliary staff have been added to existing staff structure to satisfy the requirements of the various sections of the department.
Emergency casualty team is present in the casualty section at Bharati Hospital on a regular basis. The trauma center of this department caters to the emergencies of accident cases where transfer of patients from the ambulances to the operation theatre is done smoothly and swiftly from the casualty entrance to the operation theatre via specially designed ramp.
With the aim of providing treatment to indoor patients the department of Oral & Maxillofacial surgery has also developed a fully functional state of the art operation theatre complex equipped with surgical & adjunctive gadgets. These include surgical light systems, cardiac monitors, pulse oximeters, cautery systems & the like. The patients being operated in the above mentioned complex are also provided with recovery rooms following their surgical procedures with constant monitoring. Further hospitalization needs of the patient are well taken care of in our spaciously designed wards (40 beds) in Bharati hospital. A special provision has also been made for hospitalization of patients being treated for major surgeries as well as those requiring special attention .The facilities available at Bharati hospital include intensive care units, blood transfusion & neonatal care etc.