CDE Programs
Report : CDE program on Current trends in Periodontal Microsurgery : 08/02/23
A CDE Programme on "Current trends in Periodontal Microsurgery" was organised by the Dept of Periodontology in association with Roots Alumni Association, BVDUDCH, Pune on 8th Feb 2023 for the post graduate students. Dr. Rashmi Hegde (Alumnus of Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital) was invited as the guest speaker. She delivered a lecture and conducted a hands-on session using loupes and table mount microscope. Our HOD Dr. Vidya Dodwad and principal Dr. Rajesh Kshirsagar distributed certificates to all participants for their constant motivation and support. We thank Mr. Satyajeet from Zeiss for the technical support.

Report : CDE program : Ozone Therapy - Applications in Dentistry : 16/11/2022
Report : CDE program: Ozone Therapy - Applications in Dentistry : 16/11/2022
CDE program : Ozone Therapy - Applications in Dentistry : 16/11/2022
CDE program: Ozone Therapy - Applications in Dentistry : 16/11/2022
Interactive online session with Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences, Bengaluru : 29th Aug. 2022
Interactive online session with Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences, Bengaluru : 29th August 2022 (FDP)
On 29th August 2022, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), conducted first interactive online session, with the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology, Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences, Bengaluru. Our Institute’s Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with this institute from Bengaluru and will be conducting various short research projects, discussions and case presentations. Dr. Radhika Bavle, Professor and Head of Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology, Krishnadevaraya College of Dental Sciences, Bengaluru, delivered a very interesting and informative lecture on "Invasive edge and tumour microenvironment of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma." This interactive session was attended by faculty and post-graduate students of our College.

"What Should we know about Research and Biostatistics" : 27th June 2022
"What Should we know about Research and Biostatistics" : 27th June 2022
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be) University, Dental College and Hospital Pune, organized Continuing Dental Education (CDE) Program on 27th June 2022. The function was marked by the presence of Dr. Supriya Bhalerao, Head of Departments, the staff members, post graduate students and Ph.D. students.
The Resource person for the occasion was Dr. Supriya Bhalerao, Associate Professor and Head, Metabolic Disease Research Unit, IRSHA, Bharati Vidyapeeth, Pune. On the gracious occasion Dr. Rajashree Jadhav introduced our Chief Guest, followed by welcoming the guest and presented them with the token of gratitude. Lecture about “What Should we know about Research and Biostatistics” was delivered by Dr. Supriya Bhalerao. Dr. Rucha Davalbhakta delivered the Vote of Thanks and gave information about upcoming CDE programs.
The program was successful and well appreciated by all. Read the detailed Report here...

Lecture, Hands-on and Demonstration for Intra-oral Scanner and 3D Printing
Lecture, Hands-on and Demonstration for Intra-oral Scanner and 3D Printing
Department of Prosthodontics and Crown and Bridge conducted Lecture, Hands-on and Demonstration for Intra-oral Scanner and 3D Printing for PG students and Faculty on 25th January 2022, at Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Pune.
It was organized in association with 3Shape and Laxmi Dental group, where PG students were allowed to operate 3Shape Trios 4 Intra-oral Scanner on variety of patients. Also, demonstration of 3D Printer for printing variety of prosthesis was conducted.

Workshop on Implantology
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery conducted a 2 day certificate workshop from 29-30th Dec 2021 consisting of Lecture Series+ Hand-on exercise+Live Surgery demonstration( At Bharati Hospital) on the topic “Zygomatic Implants” for training of Staff and postgraduate students in Advanced Implantology. Dr. Sankalp Mittal (GDC Jaipur) performed the live surgery and shared his expertise with the participants.
Workshop - Human Research Protection, Good Clinical Practices & New Drugs and CT Rules
Report of online workshop on "Human Research Protection, Good Clinical Practices (GCP) & New Drugs and Clinical Trial rules 2019"
Institutional Ethics Committee of Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed To Be University) Dental College & Hospital, Pune organized online workshop on “Human Research Protection, Good Clinical Practiced (GCP) & New Drugs and Clinical Trial rules 2019” on 2nd October 2021 from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm.
Speakers for this workshop were Dr. Ravindra Ghooi and Dr. Aditi Apte.
Both the speakers explained about the:
- Participants Risk and Benefits
- Protection of Human Participants
- New Drugs and Clinical Trial rules
- ICH GCP Guidelines
About 46 staff members including Ethics Committee members attended this program.
This was very informative and great learning experience to all especially beneficial to members of Ethics Committee.
Thanks to Dr. Rajesh Kshirsagar for his constant support.
CDE Programme 2021 OMR Department-2
Second Technology Update 2021
The second technological Update of the year 2021 was conducted by the department of Oral Medicine and Radiology under the guidance of Respected Dr Sanjay Londhe Sir, Director Dental College and Dr Rajesh Kshirsagar Sir, Principal, Dental College, Pune on 24th February 2021 .
The programme was conducted in Lecture Hall A. It started with presentation by Dr. Darshana Deshpande on the device VELSCAN (Used as a chair side device for diagnosing sub clinical potentially malignant lesions using autofluoroscence) and DNA Ploidy Test.
The lecture was attended by 30 faculty members, Post graduate students and Interns.
A demonstration and hands on of the equipment (VELSCAN & DNA Ploidy Test) was then carried out in the department of oral medicine and radiology by 20 faculty members, post graduate students and Interns on patients with potentially malignant diseases and conditions.
We extend our gratitude to Dr.Sanjay Londhe sir for his support and encouragement and thank all the faculty members and students for making this program a success.

CDE Programme 2021 OMR Department-1
First Technology Update 2021
The first technological Update of the year 2021 was conducted by the department of Oral Medicine and Radiology under the guidance of Respected Dr Sanjay Londhe Sir, Director Dental College and Dr Rajesh Kshirsagar Sir, Principal, Dental College, Pune on 5th February 2021 .
The programme started with introductory lecture in Lecture Hall A by Dr Sanjay Londhe Sir followed by presentation by Dr. Sameer Jadhav on the device Optical fluoroscope C-Ultra. (Used as a chair side device for diagnosing sub clinical potentially malignant lesions using autofluoroscence)
The lecture was attended by 30 faculty members, Post graduate students and Interns.
A demonstration and hands on of the equipment (C-Ultra) was then carried out in the department of oral medicine and radiology by 20 faculty members, post graduate students and Interns on patients with potentially malignant diseases and conditions.
We extend our gratitude to Dr.Sanjay Londhe sir for his support and encouragement and thank all the faculty members and students for making this program a success.

Guest lecture by Dr. Supriya Bhalerao
Guest lecture by Dr. Supriya Bhalerao
Department of Basic Medical Sciences had organized a guest Lecture by Dr. Supriya Bhalerao from IRSHA "Writing a Research Proposal - Study Design and Statistical Considerations" on 13th March, 2020 for PG students and faculty members.
She had clarified most of the doubts related to research. 35 PG students and 20 faculty members attended the lecture.

Guest Lecture by Surg. Captain Dr. Gaurav Sikri
Guest Lecture by Surg. Captain Dr. Gaurav Sikri
Dept. of Basic Medical Sciences organized a guest lecture on “Prevention Of Acute High Altitude Mountain Illness” on Wednesday, 4th March, 2020 at 2:00 pm in lecture hall C at BV (DTU), Dental College & Hospital, Pune.
Guest speaker for the session was Surgeon Captain Dr. Gaurav Sikri, Professor & Head Department of Physiology at Armed Forces Medical College, Pune. The session was graced by various faculty members of our institute and first year BDS students.
The lecture highlighted precautionary measures which can be taken before starting or planning for any high altitude (altitude above 2500 feets) trekking/climbing. The response from the audience was overwhelming and overall the lecture was one of its kind, very informative and beneficial for one and all.

Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth And Dental Implants
Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth And Dental Implants
A Continuing Dental Education programme was organized by the Department of Periodontology on 26.02.2020.
The theme of the programme was “Soft Tissue Grafting Around Teeth And Dental Implants”. The programme comprised of 3 lectures in the morning session followed by a hands- on workshop in the afternoon session.
The Guest speakers were:
- Dr .Sharath Shetty
Topic: Soft tissue grafting procedures around teeth and dental implants - Dr. Priyanka Thareja
Topic: Implant maintenance and management of Peri implant Disease - Dr. Priya Lele
Topic: Soft tissue considerations around dental implants and Stage 2 implant surgery
The Hands on session was conducted by Dr. Priya Lele and Dr. Priyanka Thareja. Soft tissue grafting techniques around dental implants were demonstrated on pig jaw. Participants also were provided with a separate pig jaws on which they individually performed the procedures under the guidance of mentors. All the participants were provided with Z kits as a safety protocol.
The response to the program was overwhelming. We had nearly 80 delegates (senior clinicians and post graduate students) coming from Pune, Mumbai, Bhopal, Ambala who had registered for the lectures. 30 delegates had registered for the Hands on workshop.
We thank our Principal Dr. Rajesh Kshirsagar for his constant encouragement and support and also thank our HOD Dr Amita Mali for her able guidance & meticulous planning for making this event a grand success.

Dr Priya Lele – Felicitated for her contribution as a guest speaker for the CDE programme.

Dr Sharath Shetty – Felicitated for his contribution as a guest speaker for the CDE programme.

Dr Priyanka Thareja – Felicitated for her contribution as a guest speaker for the CDE programme.

Delegates attending the lectures on 26.02.2020

Dr. Priya Lele demonstrating the harvesting of a free gingival graft from the palate.

Dr. Priya Lele and Dr. Priyanka conducting the Hands On Workshop on 26.02.2020

Participants attending the Hands on workshop on 26.02.2020
Cyber Crimes and their Prevention
Cyber Crimes and their Prevention
On 12th Feb 2020 Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology had organized continuing dental education program on Cyber Crime and its Prevention in lecture hall A
The guest speaker for this program was Mr. Jairam Paigude Senior Police Inspector Cyber crime Shivaji Nagar Pune, and Mr Sagar Padnam Senior API Cyber crime Shivaji Nagar Pune.
The Program was inaugurated by Mr Anantrao Shinde (Baba mama) and our beloved Principal Sir Dr Rajesh Kshirsagar , Professor and HOD Organizing chairman Dr Amit Mhapuskar, organizing secretary Dr Santosh Jadhav
The Guest speaker enlighten on various issues on cyber crime and its prevention.

Motivational talk -‘You are awesome’
Motivational talk -‘You are awesome’
The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology organized a motivational talk titled “Y0U ARE AWESOME” on the 13th February 2020 at 8.30 am in Lecture Hall C for Ist and IInd BDS students and at 10:30 am for III BDS students in Lecture Hall B, BVDU Dental College and Hospital, Pune. This lecture was conducted by Mr Raghavan Koli, who is an engineer by profession and is an author of the book “The Conqueror ”.
The lecture was very encouraging and inspiring for the students.
This lecture was attended by around 220 students and few faculty. The feedback by the students was that they want more of such fun lectures which brings up their spirit and enthusiasm and makes them more positive towards the profession.
There were no registration charges for this lecture.
The program was concluded by vote of thanks by Dr Revati Deshmukh.

Clinical research trials as a career
Clinical research trials as a career
The Department of Oral Pathology and Microbiology organized a lecture titled “Clinical research trials as a career” on the 07th February 2020 at 8.30 to 10 am in Lecture Hall C, BVDU Dental College and Hospital, Pune. This lecture was conducted by Klinetech Academy for the Interns. There were no registration charges for the lecture. This lecture was conducted to give a guideline to the interns on Clinical research trials as an alternative career option.
A brief talk was given on the courses conducted by Klintech Academy on Clinical research.
The Speakers for the event were Mr Rajshekhar R and Mrs Nipa Desai.
The program was initiated by introduction of the Speakers by Dr Priya Deo.
The lecture was very informative and motivational to the interns.
This lecture was attended by around 60 interns and few faculty
The program was concluded by vote of thanks by Dr Revati Deshmukh.

Interactive exchange of Orthodontic Ideologies
Interactive exchange of Orthodontic Ideologies
Department of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics had organized a forum on ‘Interactive exchange of Orthodontic ideologies’ on 10th and 11th January 2020. The workshop consisted of Scientific Sessions, live demonstrations on patients and some lectures on key topics by staff of the Orthodontic departments of all the 3 dental colleges of Bharati Vidyapeeth University.
The inauguration ceremony was graced by our principal, Dr. Kshirsagar sir along with the respective HOD's of Orthodontia of the 3 dental colleges. All the Heads/in charges of the department of our college were present to grace the inaugural ceremony. All the post graduate students of Orthodontia from all the 3 colleges participated in this event.
It was a successful event as it laid a great platform for exchanging new ideas and research among post graduate students and staff as well and it was the first of its kind event which was organized for the first time among all the 3 dental units of this University.
It was a 2-day event which grabbed the attendee’s attention to explore in field of Orthodontics & Dentofacial Orthopedics.

Workshop on Essentials in Implantology
Workshop on "Essentials in Implantology"
B.V.D.U Dental College and Hospital had organised a workshop on 'Essentials in Implantology' on 26th Nov 2019. The workshop consisted of Scientific Session in the morning and Hands-On session in the afternoon..The inauguration ceremony was graced by Hon’ble Asmita Jagtap ( Executive Director Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Foundation).
Renowned implantologist Dr. Suvarna Nene was one of the Guest Speaker for the workshop..Our very own Dr. Paresh Gandhi Sir and Dr. Vijaysinh More Sir were the other speakers who shared their valuable experience on this platform..We received an overwhelming response of 121 registrations including students from Singhgad Dental College & Rangoonwala Dental College..We would like to thank and appreciate the entire team namely Dr. Pankaj Kadam, Dr. Aarti Gachke, Dr. Seema Patil, Dr. Yogesh Khadtare, Dr. Priya Lele,Dr. Santosh Jadhav, Mr. Gaurav Deshmane & Mr. Sachin Potdar for the efforts they put in towards successful and smooth conduction of the event..Also a special thanks to our Principal, Dr. Rajesh Kshirsagar Sir who has always been so supportive and encouraging.

Journal Club programme
Journal Club programme
The department of Prosthodontics & Crown & Bridge in association with IPS Pune branch organized an intercollegiate Journal Club programme on 13th November 2019, from 8.30am onwards. The program was inaugurated by our beloved Principal Dr.Rajesh Kshirsagar. IPS Pune branch president Dr.Srinivasan, and Treasures Dr.Vijay Mabrukar were present for the event.The JC symposium was well attended by faculty and PG students from other colleges of Pune. Around 7 topics with case presentations were discussed in an interactive manner. It is worth mentioning that AFMC faculty and post graduate students graced the occasion with their presence and presentation. The program concluded with a good amount of exchange of ideas among staff and student alike.

Seminar - Social Protection for all Women and Girls: Sustainable Development for the World
Seminar - Social Protection for all Women and Girls: Sustainable Development for the World
National Council of Women in India-Asia Pacific Regional Conference conducted a seminar on "Social Protection for all Women and Girls: Sustainable Development for the World" on 09/11/2019 from 9.30 am to 1.30 pm at Novotel Hotel, Pune. The distinguished key note Speakers were noted Psychiatrist Dr Harish Shetty, Hon. Vandana Chavan (Member of Rajya Sabha). Women's health and protection were discussed at length by both the Speakers. The Seminar was attended by Dr Revati Deshmukh (Professor and Head, Oral Pathology and Microbiology), Dr Priya Deo (Assistant Professor, Oral Pathology and Microbiology), Dr Pushpanjali Das(Post-graduate student), Jayati Pandey (Final year) and 15 Interns

2nd International Women's Dental and Leadership Congress
2nd International Women's Dental and Leadership Congress
27th-29th September 2019 was inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Honourable Mrs. Pratibhatai Devisingh Patil, Former President of India, Honourable Vijaymala Patangroa Kadam, Chairperson, School Management Committee, Bharati Vidyapeeth, and Honourable Dr. Asmita Jagtap, Executive Director, Bharati Vidyapeeth Medical Foundation’s Bharati Hospital. We had August presence of Honourable Dr. Narendra Kale, President, Maharashtra State Dental Council and Honourable and Dr. Nitin Barve, President Elect, Indian Dental Association, Maharashtra State on 28th September 2019.

Workshop : Postgraduate Orientation workshop on Research Methodology & Biostatistics
The Department of Public Health Dentistry organized and conducted a workshop as part of Post Graduate Student Orientation for the postgraduate students admitted to the Masters in Dental Surgery (MDS) course in the academic year 2019-2020.
Details of the workshop are as follows:
“Postgraduate Orientation workshop on Research Methodology & Biostatistics”Dates:
28th and 29th August 2019.Speakers:
- Dr. Umesh Wadgave (MDS)
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry,
ESIC Dental College & Hospital, Gulbarga. - Dr. Mahesh Khairnar (MDS)
Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry,
Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College & Hospital, Sangli. - Dr. Amol Jamkhande (MDS, Ph.D)
Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry,
Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College & Hospital, Pune.
Seminar room, Department of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery.Registration charges:
Rs.1,000/- (Includes 2 breakfasts, 1 lunch & Tea with biscuits)Glimpses

CDE program : Modern Approaches to Oral Hygiene Practices
A CDE program was conducted for the 1 BDS students as a part of the oral hygiene awareness month by IDA and Oral B. The topic was "Modern Approaches to Oral Hygiene Practices". Dr Priya Lele was invited as the Guest Speaker. She gave an insight to the modern day oral hygiene aids. The programme was attended by Dr Sarojini Deshmukh, Dr Nimty Rains, Dr Pallavi Patil, Dr Shilpa Choudhary and also the post graduates students from the Department of Periodontics. The session concluded with distribution of certificates and Oral B tooth brushes. A big thank you to our Principal Dr Rajesh Kshirsagar for his constant motivation and support.

Workshop : Lecture and Hands-on demonstration of Digital Impression
Department of Prosthodontics Crown and Bridge had organized workshop including Lecture followed by Hands-on demonstration of Digital Impression by 3 Shape Trios 3 Intra-Oral Scanners on 26th of July 2019 from 9 AM to 1 PM. The program was organized in collaboration with Illusion Dental Lab and Chair Side. The Illusion Dental Lab has provided the laboratory support and Chair Side has provided the necessary equipments.
It was a three hour program focusing on the following components:
- A Powerpoint presentation on the functionality and advantages of using the scanner.
- Scanning cases on the patients
- Hands-on with the scanner for the attendees.

CDE program on 3D Oburation
The department of conservative Dentistry and Endodontics organized CDE program on "3D Oburation" that included lecture and hands on course. The keynote speaker was Dr. Manoj Nair. We had 70 registrations. The staff, interns, students and postgraduate students registered enthusiastically for the CDE program. As per the feedback from delegates, the lecture was very informative and hands on was very interesting and informative. It was highly appreciated. We thank Dr. Kshirsagar Sir for his guidance and encouragement to organize the CDE program.

Programme for Interns : 15th March 2019
MD India Health Insurance TPA Pvt Ltd in collaboration with BVDU Dental college and Hospital, Pune conducted a programme for Interns on Friday 15th March 2019.
Ms.Gauri- HR,MD India briefed the Interns about the job opportunities as for BDS and MDS graduates in Health Insurance Sector as Medical Advisors on part-time and full time basis. About 45 interns attended the programme.

Workshop on Systemic Review
The Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Microbiology conducted a two day workshop on Systematic Review - An Insight.
The Guest Speakers for this workshop were Dr Pradnya Kakodkar and Dr Sonal Kale affiliated to Dr DY Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pimpri.
22 delegates participated in this workshop.
This workshop was very educative and interactive and gave a thorough insight on Systematic Review.
The feedback given by 20 out of 23 participants was that the workshop was very interesting, interactive and useful. Many delegates have suggested having it in modules.

Masterclass-2019 : The Grand Finale
Masterclass-2019- “The Grand Finale” organized by Dept of Prosthodontics, BVDUDCH, Pune and Indian Prosthodontic Society (Pune Branch), Pune, on 5th and 6th February, 2019. More than 155 Satisfied Delegates with culmination by GRAND VIVA SYMPOSIUM by Dr. Meshram Sir, Dr Nagda Madam and Dr Gangadhar Sir.

Recent Trends in Dental Implants and Alumni Meet
The Department of Periodontology organized a CDE program on the "Recent Trends in Dental implants". The speakers were Dr Girish Byakod, Dr Sachin Katwe and Dr Pinak Kapadia who guided us regarding the management of atrophic alveolar ridges, the prosthetic phase and the importance of Pink esthetics around dental implants.
It was indeed a matter of great honour and pride for us to have two of our own Perio alumni as guest speakers. We had around 100 delegates from in and around Pune attending the Scientific session.
The Department of Periodontology also hosted the Alumni meet 2019 which concluded with delicious lunch...We thank our Principal Dr Rajesh Kshirsagar for his motivation in conducting academic meets and Dr Amita Mali for her enthusiastic support and meticulous planning of the programme.

Alumni Meet 2019

Faculty Awareness Programme - 23/01/2019
Faculty Awareness Programme was conducted on 23/01/2019 on "Importance of NAAC and IQAC". Prof. V. Shirgurkar enlightened all faculties about various advances in accreditation process of NAAC and also spoke about importance and functions of IQAC Committee.

Clinical Applications of Next Generation DNA Sequencing - 15/01/2019
This programme was organized at Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Pune on 15th January,2019 by Dr. Rajesh Kshirsagar (Principal, BVDC&H) and Dr. Amol Patil (Professor, Dept. of Orthodontics).
Dr Prashant Khadke, (Ph.D., Genomics) was invited to speak on the latest concepts and technology involved in DNA sequencing, as well as to give an insight to the clinical applications of genomics in dentistry.
There were 27 attendees including HODs, staff and Ph.D. scholars from BVDC&H and Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Health Sciences.
The interactive session lasted for almost 2 hours during which Dr. Khadke shared his vast experience and knowledge in the field of genomics and gave a glimpse of its ability to solve the enigma of cancer, diabetes etc and bring about a positive disruptive change in the way modern science looks at healthcare. After the session, Dr. Khadke also interacted with our PhD candidates and advised them with respect to their research studies. We thank the management for their support and Dr. Khadke for his valuable time.

CDE Programme on Biostar - 11/01/2019
Department of Orthodontics organized a demonstration programme on "Biostar" by Dr. Girish Narayanan and Mr. Manu Jaipuria on 11th January 2019.
Post graduate students from department of Orthodontics and Prosthodontics, staff along with technicians participated in it. It was a very helpful demonstration to all the students as well as technicians as they got to know the proper technique to fabricate retainers, night guards, habit breaking appliances, aligners etc as well as all their queries were answered regarding the use of the machine.

CDE on Anterior and Posterior Biomimetics - 10/01/2019
Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics organised CDE programme on 10th January 2019 on "Anterior and Posterior Biomimetics" by Dr. Shail Jaggi. Interns, post graduate students and staff participated in it. Interns and PGs got benefited with this interactive programme.

Lecture on Legal rights for women at work place - 23/11/2018
The department of orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopaedics organized a lecture programme "Legal rights for women at work place" by an eminent lawyer Adv. Divya Chavan. On 23rd November, 2018.
The lecture was well attended by teaching and non teaching faculty, the speaker effectively elaborated on gender sensitization and laws related to sexual harassment at the work place.

Preconference Workshop - 23/11/2018
Forensic Odontology preconference course was organized by joint venture of IDA-Pune and Dept of Oral Pathology, BVDU Dental College and Hospital, Pune on 23rd November, 2018.
Forensic odontology workshop was conducted by our Alumnus Dr Aman Chowdhary for IDA-Pune, 57th MSDC.

CDE lectures sponsored by Colgate India for BDS students and interns - 16/11/2018
Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College and Hospital, Pune had organized a series of CDE lectures sponsored by Colgate India for III year & IV year BDS students and interns on 16th November, 2018.
The lectures were attended by about 180 students as well as staff members.
The topics for the lecture were:
- "Cavity preparation" by Dr Shail jaggi,
- "Medical emergencies in dental practice" by Dr Lakshmi Shetty
- "What after BDS" by Dr Jayesh Rahalkar.

CDE programme : Applications of CBCT in General Dental Practice
The Department of Oral Medicine & Radiology in collaboration with Wave Imaging Centre, Pune under the guidance of Principal Dr Rajesh Kshirsagar organised a CDE Programme on 5th October 2018.
The topic was "Applications of CBCT in General Dental Practice".
The Guest Speaker was Dr Alok Lathi.
A total of 80 participants were present which included Staff, PG Students, Interns & UG Students. The speaker spoke on the various applications of CBCT in the modern era of dentistry.

2 day CDE programme - ‘GURUKOOL’
The Department of Prosthodontics & Crown and Bridge had organized a 2 day CDE programme - ‘GURUKOOL’ on 1st and 2nd August 2018 specifically aimed towards giving a head start to Part I MDS students. 17 speakers who were post graduate faculty from various dental colleges spoke on relevant topics. Apart from these speakers Dr. Uma Dalvi, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, BVDU Medical College,Pune spoke about Behavioral Management and psychological counseling. Dr. Savita Bapat, a senior MUHS faculty, delivered a lecture on communication skills. 125 participants from various dental colleges in and around Pune registered for the programme.

Workshop on Research Methodology & Biostatistics - 19-20 July 2018
The Department of Public Health Dentistry organized and conducted a workshop titled “Research Methodology & Biostatistics” on 19th and 20th July 2018.
This program was conducted as part of Post Graduate Student Orientation for the postgraduate students admitted to the Masters in Dental Surgery (MDS) course in the academic year 2018-2019.
The Guest Speakers for the event were Dr. Umesh Wadgave, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Dental College and Hospital, Sangli, Dr. Nitin Gupta, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Dr. D.Y.Patil Dental College and Hospital, Pune, and Dr. Amol Jamkhande, Associate Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Dental College and Hospital, Pune.
The program was inaugurated by Dr. Rajesh Kshirsagar, Principal, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Dental College and Hospital, Pune.
The purpose of conducting this workshop was to provide guidance for dissertation and motivate the students for research.
The Topics were :
- Introduction to Research Methodology & how to choose a research topic
- Writing a Research Protocol
- Literature Search Techniques demonstration
- Study Designs
- Introduction to Biostatistics
- Sampling techniques
- Ethics in Research
The session also had a Group Activity.
The workshop was attended by 36 MDS Part 1 students and 15 Interns.
Venue arrangement was in the Lecture Hall C, Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) Dental College and Hospital, Pune.
The feedback obtained from the participants revealed a positive and satisfied response.

CDE programme on Lasers - 7th March 2018
Dept. of Oral Medicine & Dental Radiology organized a CDE programme on Lasers on 7th March, 2018 & received huge response from ours as well as from other Dental Institutes.
There were motivating lectures by our eminent speaker Dr. Vikram Khare followed by a Live Demonstration and hands on for the use of soft tissue Lasers by the participants.

Dr. Paresh Gandhi, Professor, Dept. of Prosthdontics as a podium Speaker on “Cast Partial Dentures”
Dr. Paresh Gandhi, Professor, Dept. of Prosthdontics was invited as a podium Speaker at CDE exclusively on “Cast Partial Dentures” on 22nd-23rd February, 2018, jointly hosted wonderfully by IPS MUM - Navi Mumbai and BVP. He gave a speech on ‘Core Prosthetics’ to interactive participants.Glimpses

Research-based Symposium : ‘IGNITE’ : Dept. of Pediatric Dentistry
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, BVDU Dental College & Hospital, Pune organized research based symposium ‘IGNITE’, which received a huge response gathering around 120 registrations. There were motivating lectures by eminent representatives of NCL, AIIMS and 3M Division, followed by brain-storming question and answer sessions. Invited guest speakers were Dr. Magesh (Senior Scientist, NCL, Pune), D. B.L.V. Prasad (Senior Scientist, NCL, Pune), Dr. Vijay Mathur (Professor, AIIMS, Delhi) and Senior Research Officer (3M Division).Glimpses

CDE Program on Advances in Implant Dentistry - 30th Jan 2018
CDE Programme announcement
Dept of Periodontology, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University Dental College & Hospital, Pune, takes immense pleasure in announcing the CDE Program on Advances in Implant Dentistry on 30th Jan 2018.
Speakers for the Program:
Registration charges: ₹ 800/- (inclusive of Breakfast, Lunch & High tea )
For registrations contact:
- Dr Neelima Daule: 9923290853
- Dr Priyanka Thareja: 8237100966
- Dr Darshana Dalaya: 9822679475
National level CDE programme - 22nd and 23rd December 2017
A National level CDE programme was conducted by department of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics in conjunction with Journal of Indian Orthodontic Society and Indian Orthodontic Society on 22nd and 23rd December 2017.
Symposium was inaugurated by our Vice Chancellor, Hon. Dr. Manikrao Salunke, Guest of Honour Dr. Keki Mistry and Principal Dr. Rajesh Kshirsagar.
There were research oriented lectures on first day which was open for all PG’s and faculty members and second day was only for post graduates and orthodontists as all lectures were related to the topic.
There were total 121 registrations of delegates including Post Graduate students who reported from 30 different colleges.
11 speakers were invited to talk on research oriented topics and Orthodontics.
- Guest Of Honour : Dr. Keki Mistry
- Chief Guest : Dr. Manikrao Salunkhe

Pre-conference course on CBCT-Grey & White Shadows of Modern Dentistry
Preconference course on "CBCT-Grey & White Shadows of Modern Dentistry" at 56th MSDC, was conducted by Dr. Darshan Hiremath & team from Oral Medicine & Radiology Dept., BVDU Dental College & Hospital, Pune for close to 30 participants from all over Maharashtra. 56th MSDC was hosted by IDA Pimpri-Chinchwad branch on 8th, 9th, & 10 Dec.2017.

Pre-conference courses : 8th and 9th Dec
On 8th & 9th December, 2017, BVDU Dental College & Hospital, Pune and 56th MSDC in collaboration with 3M arranged preconference courses:
- Stainless steel crown in pedo patients.
- Periodontal procedures simplified, unlock your potential as a full service general practitioner.

Symposium on “Current Needs in Health Care”
Symposium on “Current Needs in Health Care”
Dept. of Basic Medical Sciences had organized a half day symposium on “Current Needs in Health Care” on 6th October,2017 from 8.30 am to 12.30 pm. Total 115 participants attended the lectures including undergraduate & postgraduate students and staff members. Inauguration of the programme was done by Dr. Rajesh Kshirsagar.
Guest speakers:
- Dr. Chandrahas Godbole : Topic - Overview of Diabetes mellitus.
- Dr.Sujit Joshi : Topic - Newer trends in diagnosis.
- Dr. Satish Satarkar : Topic - Segregation and disposal of biomedical wastes.
Oral Pathology & Microbiology Practical Hall, BVDU Dental College & Hospital, Pune.

Clinical Photography: Current concepts, Techniques and Guidelines
Clinical Photography: Current concepts, techniques and Guidelines : Dept. of Oral Pathology & Microbiology
Dept. of Oral Pathology & Microbiology has organized a full day CDE program on Clinical Photography: Current concepts, techniques and Guidelines on Monday 25/09/2017. Guest speakers were Dr. Ashok Karad and Dr. K. M.Keluskar. 78 Participants attended the lectures and 35 attended the workshop. Inauguration of the programme was done by Dr. Rajesh Kshirsagar.
Glimpses :

Workshop on “Research Methodology and Biostatistics”
Workshop on “Research Methodology and Biostatistics”
The Department of Public Health Dentistry organized and conducted a workshop titled “Research Methodology & Biostatistics” on 25 th and 26 th July 2017.
This program was conducted as part of Post Graduate Student Orientation for the postgraduate students admitted to the Masters in Dental Surgery (MDS) course in the academic year 2017-2018.
The Guest Speakers for the event were Dr. Nitin Gupta ( Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Dr. D.Y.Patil Dental College & Hospital,Pune) , Dr. Pradnya Kakodkar (Professor, Department of Public Health Dentistry, Dr. D.Y.Patil Dental College & Hospital,Pune) , and Dr. Ravindra Ghooi (Consultant , Director at Scientia Clinical Services and Cipla Palliative Care Centre Warje.)
The Topics were:
- Introduction of Research Methodology & how to choose a Research Topic
- Writing a Research Protocol and Literature search
- Study Designs
- Introduction to Biostatistics
- Importance of Ethics and Informed Consent
- Reading different articles (case report/review/original article)
The session also had a Group Activity for discussion and critical evaluation of articles.
The workshop showed full attendance by 34 MDS Part 1 students and few teaching staff members.
This one and a half day session proved to be intellectually stimulating. The feedback obtained from the participants revealed a positive and satisfied response.
The speakers too complimented on the interaction and complete involvement from the audience.
Glimpses :

Children’s Day celebrations
Children’s Day celebrations
Department of Paedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, Bharati Vidyapeeth Dental College & Hospital organized a dental treatment camp on 14 November 2017 for 53 orphans from SOS village, Kharadi in association with rotary club and inner wheel club of Khadki. Event was inaugurated by Dr. Sandesh Mayekar and Dr. Rajesh Kshirsagar.