The Department comprises a basic field of knowledge to be correlated with clinical application. The emphasis is to provide pertinent biological information, which can serve the dental student as fundamental source of clinical knowledge. Since basic sciences forms the basis of all clinical sciences, an accurate update of basic physiology and its pathology becomes part and parcel of good dental education.
The dental anatomy laboratory is where the students develop carving skills of different teeth. With the help of models, charts, able guidance and demonstration from the staff, perfectionism and precision are sought after. There is a separate hall where the oral histology and oral pathology practicals are conducted. It is here that knowledge of various structures-both at gross and cellular level –in health and disease is imparted.
The department has a backing of a post graduate clinic equipped with dental chairs, a histopathology and hematology laboratory. .Different cases of mucosal lesions, soft and hard tissue swellings, and oral manifestations of systemic diseases, oral infections, white lesions, oral premalignancies and malignancies are reviewed; confirmed diagnosis is given and referred for further course of treatment. A multidisciplinary approach is applied with the department of Oral diagnosis and Oral and Maxillofacial surgery for the ultimate betterment of the patient.
The histopathology laboratory is equipped with a set up for basic investigative pathology that includes—aspiration biopsies, exfoliative cytology, biopsies, differential staining, microbial staining etc. the lab has state of the art penta head microscope. Department of Oral Pathology & Microbiology have upgraded their Microbiology Laboratory & Immunohistochemistry Laboratory with all the latest available equipments. This will be beneficial for Research projects carried out by Post Graduate Students of our College & Hospital.